prosedure text
Procedure text

U confidance in front of U’re class
Ø First
U don’t fell nervous !
Ø Then,
imagin if U are best one ! but U’re friends don’t know anything !
Ø If
U will explain something, make U sure If U can do it or U must learn about the
materials before U explain in front of U’re class !
Ø Don’t
respons , if U’re friends said but it is useless
Ø If
U can do them, I think U’ll feel more confidance !
Make jam from carrot
ü First, scar some carrot carefully
but before that you must wash that
ü Second, turn the stove ang put
the pan on it
ü And then, pour scar carrot into
the pan and stir well
ü At about, a half minutes later,
add sugar as like you. But, don’t too much
ü When scar carrot and sugar had
mix, you can take it and don’t forget to turn off the stove
ü You can grease it into a bread
and you can make it as breakfast, foodstuf or etc.
Procedure text
to doing experiment with a pack of tea
If you want to
make experiment with pack of tea, you must prepare a pack of tea, scissors, and
matches. So simple, right ?
First, you must
slice pack of tea with scissors, and come out the tea. And then standing up the
pack of tea. After that, burn up it with matches. And what will happens ?
If you succes in
this experiment, the pack of tea will fly to some time and then come down. And
never give up if your first experiment falls. Try again and again and reach the
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