Contoh Susunan Acara Perpisahan Sekolah dengan bahasa Indonesia dan english
SMPN 1 AMBAL TP. 2013/2014
Assalamu’alaikum wr wb
The honorable the principle of state junior high
school 1 Ambal
The honorable the teachers and official staff of
state high school 1 Ambal
The honorable the students parents of grade nineth
The honorable the audiences, and my beloved brothers
and sisters
First of all, lets thank to Alloh SWT that has
blessed us so that we can gather here to held the farewell party of the
students grade ix of the state junior high school 1 Ambalof the academic year
Dear audiences, before we start our activity this
morning, let me tell you the program first.
1. Pembukaan
( opening )
2. Menyanyikan
lagu Indonesia Raya ( sing Indonesia
Raya )
3. Prakata
Panitia Penyelenggara ( speech from
principal )
4. Sambutan
Kepala SMPN 1 Ambal ( speech from head master of SMP 1 Ambal )
5. Sambutan
Komite Sekolah ( speech from committee )
6. Pengumuman
10 siswa terbaik dalam perolehan nilai UN TP. 2013/2014 ( announcement about 10
best students of final examination )
7. Kata
pamitan dari perwakilan kelas IX ( speech from relationsip of grade nine )
8. Ucapan
selamat jalan dari perwakilan kelas VII dan VIII ( speech from relationsip of
grade seven and eight )
9. Penutup
( closing )
The audiences we will open this program with
basmalah together.
The audiences we are now in the second program that
is sing the anthem Indonesia Raya.
The next program is the speech from the comittee
that will be deliverd by Mr. Ahmad Bagyo Wahyudiono,S.Pd.
We enjoy the performance of Bondan dance
The fourt program is speech from the head master of
State junior high school 1 Ambal. For Mr. H. Agus Priyanto, S.Pd time for you.
Dear audiences before continuing our program we will
enjoy the performance of Geguritan.
The speech from the school comittee that will be
deliver by Mr. Lasikun ,S.Pd.For Mr. Lasikun ,S.Pd time for you.
Let’s enjoy the performance of Prawiro Watang dance
and modern dance.
The announcement of ten best students of Final
Examination that will Sartono,S.Pd.
The speech from the representative student grade IX
that will be deliver by Daning Setiani IX A.
Let’s enjoy the performance of Mocopat and give warm
The speech from the representative of student grade VII
and VIII that will be deliver by Prayoga Laksana.
Dear audiences before we continue our program we
will enjoye the presentation of Paduan Suara.
The last program is closing praying by Mr. Ahmadi,
Sag. For Mr. Ahmadi,Sag. Time for you.
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