
Showing posts with the label ACARA

Contoh Susunan Acara Perpisahan Sekolah dengan bahasa Indonesia dan english

SUSUNAN ACARA PURNA WIDYA KELAS IX SMPN 1 AMBAL TP. 2013/2014 Assalamu’alaikum wr wb The honorable the principle of state junior high school 1 Ambal The honorable the teachers and official staff of state high school 1 Ambal The honorable the students parents of grade nineth The honorable the audiences, and my beloved brothers and sisters First of all, lets thank to Alloh SWT that has blessed us so that we can gather here to held the farewell party of the students grade ix of the state junior high school 1 Ambalof the academic year 2012/2013. Dear audiences, before we start our activity this morning, let me tell you the program first. SUSUNAN ACARA PURNA WIDYA KELAS IX Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014. 1.      Pembukaan ( opening ) 2.      Menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya ( sing  Indonesia Raya ) 3.      Prakata Panitia Penyelenggara ( speech  from principal ) 4.      Samb...