The Legend Of The Ambalresmi Village

By. Prayogi Wicaksana Once upon a time, Ambal was a regency that still undered the Mataram Kingdom. At that time, the regent of Ambal was Raden Aryo Blitar. Its atmosphere was peaceful and quiet, trade was also developed. The sketch in front of “Pendopo” at Ambal was like in front of “Pendopo” at Kebumen. There was a town square, in the west there was a mosque that was called The Big Mosque Ambal Regency (is a historic building that still sturdy until now). Its reach was very wide. In the west until Puring. While in the east until Rawa River. During his authorization, Aryo Blitar got many problems from Mataram. Mataram was allied with the Dutch, so all the result of earth and spices that required by Dutch were sent to Mataram. At that time, in the Panjeroma Regency, which was located in Nabatiyasa was powered by Bodronolo. He had two “Senopati”, their name were Ganaspati Jonggolo (was assigned to Panjeroma nort), from Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, until Wonosobo. In the south,...